We offer a variety of coffins to suit any taste or budget. The most popular coffins are on display below, but should you have a special request we would be glad to accommodate your wishes.

Oak finished, flat lid with brass style plastic bar handles

Oak finished, flat lid with wooden bar handles

Oak finished, flat lid with pencil panel and brass style bar handles

French cream painted, flat lid with gold painted pencil panel and brass style bar handles

Oak finished, low rise lid with brass style metal ring handles

Mahogany finished, low rise lid with brass style metal ring handles

Elm finished, low rise lid with brass style metal ring handles

Donegal willow

Brown wicker


Solid American oak, high rise lid with French brass handles

Solid Brazilian mahogany, panelled with high rise lid and brass bar handles

Solid two tone European oak, with deep rope carving and brass bar handles

Solid Italian mahogany with rounded ends and solid brass handles

Solid walnut, Italian style with matte and gloss finish and brass bar handles

Solid ash with hand carved inlaid rose features and solid brass handles